Since I'm convinced that coffee is the single greatest invention on planet Earth, I finally caved and bought myself a Keurig. I've wanted one for so long, but could never justify spending the money on one, because when it comes down to it, the $8 coffee pot that my roommate picked up at Walmart last year does just fine.
But.... It's a Keurig. Who wouldn't want one?
I still can't entirely justify spending the money on one, but my Christmas shopping for everyone on my list was MOSTLY done. And sometimes you just can't help but buy yourself nice things because, well, you deserve it. Plus, I got a free $20 Target gift card with the purchase. Double win.
I've had mine for about 2 weeks now, and I think it's the bees' knees. The only downside is having to spend anywhere from $9-$12 on a pack of the K-cups that are needed to brew your cup of coffee, but I've found that if I don't use my Keurig every single day, I won't burn through my K-cups as quickly (obviously), and that I'm cutting back on my sugar and caffeine consumption at the same time. It brews a cup of coffee (or in my case, I've been really hooked on chai lattes) in 90 seconds, which if you ask me, is pretty impressive. And your coffee comes out piping hot, and stays warm for a relatively long amount of time, which can't be said for the $8 coffee pot (sorry, Julie).
Though I haven't had my Keurig for long, I can honestly say that I have no complaints thus far. The only thing that would have been nice, though not necessary at all, would have been a wider selection in the color of the Keurigs at the local Target. However, I went with basic black over the silver or the red.
Though this purchase was definitely spur-of-the-moment, I wouldn't say it was an impulse buy because I had wanted one for so long, and I have no buyer's remorse. All in all, an expensive purchase, but one that I know will end up being well worth the money.